Imagine you are like Doctor Who with a time machine - which moment in history would you most want to go back or forwards to?

Ponder this question and come up with an answer to take part in our Time Travel competition for the chance to win a fantastic Dino watch from

We have two of the watches, each worth £120, to give away as prizes.

News Shopper: Original Penguin

To enter go to News Shopper’s Facebook app and tell us which time in history you wish you could have seen or would want to see in the future.

Maybe you would like to go all the way back to see how the world was created. Perhaps you wish you could have seen the Roman Empire or met Elvis.

Or instead maybe there is a moment you would like to fast-forward to, such as proof of alien life, or a special sporting moment you’re hoping to see.

As soon as entries are submitted you, your friends and family, and the wider public will be able to vote. However, voting will be ‘just for fun’ because at the end of the contest News Shopper will select two lucky winners based on the entries we think are the most interesting, clever or amusing.

Entries can be submitted between now and 11.59pm on May 26. After this there will be one more week for people to vote and tell us what their favourite entries are. We will then pick the winners, who will be announced the week of June 3.

Full terms and conditions via the competition page