MEASURES to tackle immigration will form part of a Queen's Speech that David Cameron claims will back the people of Britain "every step of the way" to make the nation great again.

There will be a crackdown on rogue employers who take on illegal migrants and strengthened powers to deport foreign criminals by preventing the abuse of human rights laws.

The Prime Minister and his deputy Nick Clegg will acknowledge the path to economic recovery has proved to be "tough" but will insist their resolve has "never been stronger".

In a joint foreword to the speech, they will say: "In May 2010 we came together to govern in the national interest. We knew the road ahead would be tough and so it has proved to be.

"But three years on, our resolve to turn our country around has never been stronger. We know that Britain can be great again because we've got the people to do it.

"Today's Queen's Speech shows that we will back them every step of the way. It is all about backing people who work hard and want to get on in life."

The number of migrants has fallen by a third since 2010 but the Government still has a long way to go to reduce migration to Mr Cameron's stated aim of tens of thousands.

A net flow of 163,000 migrants came to the UK in the year to June 2012, down from 247,000 in the previous year, according to the most recent official figures.

A new Immigration Bill will write into law the Government's policy of ensuring the Article 8 human right to a family life is not abused, ensuring courts balance the crime against the perpetrator's right to remain in the country.

The bill will enable more substantial fines to be imposed on businesses exploiting illegal labour.

Private landlords will also face fines, potentially of thousands of pounds, if they fail to check on the immigration status of tenants.

Incomers' access to NHS services will be regulated and temporary migrants will be expected to make a contribution.

Shadow Commons leader Angela Eagle said: "We will look at measures on immigration But the truth is over the last three years they have failed on immigration as they have failed in so many other areas

"The lesson of these three years and of the recent elections is that people see a country which is not working for them.

"People across Britain see a Prime Minister without direction and a country where things are getting worse not better."