INSPIRED by far away landscapes, London life, flowers and idyllic countryside scenes to name but a few, amateur artists have put paintbrush to canvas for a show in Bromley Central Library.

The art on display in the spring exhibition is by members of West Wickham Arts Association.

News Shopper: Chairwoman Carol Crouch with art club members Eileen Cooper and Frances Anderson

Their exhibition is only on until next Wednesday (May 15) with most of the pictures taken down the day before so anyone interested in going to see the works is advised to go soon.

News Shopper: Some of the West Wickham Art Association's pieces on display in Bromley Central Library.

And anyone inspired to join the art club, which has been running since 1958, can contact chairwoman Carol Crouch on 020 8462 3642.

Alternatively to find out more you can drop by one of the club’s sessions which are on Mondays from 1.30pm to 4pm and from 7.30pm to 9.45pm at the Free Church Hall, Pickhurst Lane, West Wickham.