BESTSELLING novelist Sebastian Faulks will speak at the official unveiling of the Woolwich Centre and Library on Tuesday (April 30).

The celebrated author of Birdsong and Charlotte Gray will join councillors and library users for the free public event which starts at 7pm at the centre in Wellington Street.

It marks the end of the month-long Cityread London scheme to promote a love of reading and Mr Faulks’ book A Week in December is this year’s chosen title.

A plaque will be unveiled at the busy library – which has now seen 900,000 visits since it opened last year – and the author will talk with broadcaster Mariella Frostrup as well as giving questions and answers.

Councillor Roberts, who will lead the opening, said: “The official opening of The Woolwich Centre is a matter of great pride, and a reflection of the Royal Borough’s commitment to providing high-quality frontline services for our residents.

“We are very happy to mark the end of Cityread London, and to welcome Sebastian Faulks to The Woolwich Centre.

"In doing so, we can assure him, and all those who share his love of books, of our determination to maintain and strengthen services in the areas that local residents value most – including youth centres, leisure centres, children’s centres and libraries - despite unprecedented levels of cuts in central Government funding.

“The Woolwich Centre is itself a prime illustration of the careful planning that the Royal Borough has undertaken in order to protect local services from the impact of cuts.

"Moving all of our services under one roof has enabled us to dispose of numerous properties that had previously housed individual services – and as a result the construction of the Woolwich Centre has not cost the local taxpayer a penny.

“Our libraries are an important hub for the local community, offering much more than books and DVDs. With more than 100 computer terminals, the Woolwich Centre Library is a vital source of support for local people in many aspects of their lives, from job search to reading groups, and from study aid to leisure activities.”

To book a free place to the event, visit any Greenwich library or email