CCTV images have been released of four men police want to trace after a 60-year-old man was attacked at a taxi office near Petts Wood station.

The suspects are captured on CCTV shortly before an argument took place at the taxi office between the victim and four men.

After heated words were exchanged he was attacked and sustained facial injuries which needed hospital treatment.

News Shopper: These men were pictured on CCTV at Petts Wood station shortly before a man was attacked at the taxi office


British Transport Police officers are currently conducting an in-depth investigation into the incident in a bid to catch those responsible.

This has included viewing from the station working through forensics and speaking with witnesses.

Images have also been circulated to other forces and on police intelligence systems.

And now they want the readers help to identify the four men they want to speak to about the incident, which happened at around 11.20pm on March 3.

Investigating officer PC Michael Blakeburn said: “After an evening out, the 60-year-old man entered the taxi office at Petts Wood station, with his wife.

“A short while later, heated words were exchanged between the man and a group of four men who then went on to attack him.

“Do you know the men pictured?

“Did you see the incident take place?

“Or if you are the men themselves, we urge you to come forward and speak to us.

“Attacks like this are rare, but we will do everything we can to identify those responsible."

News Shopper: BTP have issued this clearer image of the man in the grey coat (from the previous CCTV photo)

Anyone who recognises the men pictured, or has information about the incident, is asked to call the BTP please call British Transport Police on 0800 40 50 40 quoting reference B12/LS of 25/04/13.

Alternatively, you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.