AN application for a controversial "super sewer", part of which would be built in Deptford, has been accepted by the planning inspectorate.

Under the plans, sites at Earl Pumping Station in Yeoman Street and Deptford Church Street could be used as overflow area for the £4.1bn Thames Water project.

Members of the public can register with the inspectorate to make a representation about the proposal.

Inspectorate chief executive Sir Michael Pitt said.  "This is an opportunity for people to play a part in the planning process and influence the outcome.

"We encourage people to get involved by registering as an interested party. By doing so, people will be able to participate fully in the examination of this proposal".

For more information visit the Don't Dump on Deptford's Heart campaign Facebook page.

The deadline is May 28. To register call 0303 444 5000 or visit the website.