BROMLEY College has launched a series of short courses to help young people get a job or prepare for more study.

The courses are free and are aimed at youths who are not in education, employment, or training.

They range from building and construction, through to business administration, childcare, health and social care to retail and sport.

News Shopper: The motor vehicle workshop at Bromley College.

The college’s vice principal of curriculum and quality Andrew Slade said: “Bromley College is committed to helping young people get back into education and work, and our new range of free short courses are designed to offer them real practical support and skills.

“We encourage any young people who aren’t sure what to do next to get in touch with us and we can advise and recommend a suitable course and pathway for them to follow.”

All of Bromley College’s new short courses are free, run on one day a week for four weeks, and start this month and next (April and May).

Go to for more details and to apply online.