A 1940s-themed tea party in Sutton-at-Hone entertained a group of more than 70 guests on Tuesday.

Held at Broad Oak Manor nursing home, in Broadoak Close, a group of residents were joined by family as well as members from community groups in Dartford and Horton Kirby.

The highlight of the afternoon was performances by 1940s vocal trio The Three Belles, a group inspired by the Andrews Sisters.

Activities co-ordinator Linda Parker said: “The residents thought it was top quality.

“They are still talking about it now and are asking when we can get The Three Belles back again.

“Even the visitors have said ‘when you next get them back we would like to come again’.”

The event, which saw a selection of teas, cakes and sandwiches on sale, raised £56 for charity Women's Royal Voluntary Service.

It was a part of BUPAs Communi-tea week.