A PLUMSTEAD woman and child were rescued by firefighters wearing breathing apparatus from a flat last night after food was left unattended on a cooker.

Both were treated for smoke inhalation.

A neighbour dialled 999 after noticing smoke coming  up from a flat below in the ten storey block on Vincent Road.

Woolwich fire station watch manager Stephen McKeown said: "The food was smouldering in the kitchen and had been left unattended so it was probably out of sight out of mind. You should never leave cooking unattended.

"Unfortunately the flat didn’t have a smoke alarm either.  If one had been fitted the mother might have been alerted sooner. It’s essential that your home is fitted with a smoke alarm as they can buy you vital seconds to escape in the event of a fire."

Three fire engines,  two from Plumstead and one from Woolwich with 14 firefighters and officers tackled the cooking fire which left part of the flat damaged.

The Brigade was called at 10.48pm and the fire was under control by 11.13pm.

Woolwich fire station is due to be closed under proposals by Mayor of London Boris Johnson.

To have your say in the consultation visit the website.