THE future of a girl guiding group in Bexley is in jeopardy after 100 successful years due to lack of volunteers.

Whilst youngsters are queuing up to become members of the Rainbows, Brownie and Girl Guides, one group faces closure unless new leaders can be found.

It is the nine groups within the Blendon District, who meet each week at St James the Great Church in Bladindon Drive, who are the most at risk.

District commissioner Irene Beschizza said: “There are long waiting lists for the Rainbows and Brownies, which is why we must keep going.

“At present some of the leaders have been running units for 30-years and feel the time has come to retire.”

The Blendon District comprises of two Rainbow units, three Brownie packs, three Guide units and a Rangers unit.

Appealing for leaders to come forward, Mrs Beschizza added: “We’re looking for people of all ages and abilities to train to be leaders.

“The training is free which includes first aid and you will have the support of the guiding family.

“If you don’t think organising activities - whether it’s craft work, cookery, or going out on visits is for you - then maybe we can find you a role helping with accounts or admin.”

If you can help, call Mrs Beschizza on 01322 557921.