DARTFORD firefighters took to some tunnels underneath a school for their latest training exercise.

Fire crews carried out a simulated rescue of someone who had become trapped as part of the drill, which took place at The Leigh Technology Academy in Dartford.

The crews continued their training using Kent Fire and Rescue Service’s (KFRS) safe access equipment which can be used for rescues from height, depth and areas of difficult access.

The two hour session involved crews wearing breathing apparatus, working with limited visibility to search and locate the mock casualty before bringing him safely to the surface.

White Watch Manager Dave Read, said: "People don’t realise that we get called out to all sorts of incidents – not just house fires and car crashes – and this exercise gave us the opportunity to test how we would deal with the more unusual scenario.

"Our firefighters are now able to take this invaluable experience to genuine incidents, bringing with them a great deal of expertise and confidence to deal with whatever they may face, quickly and correctly."

Nick Campbell, Premises Manager at The Leigh Technology Academy, said: "We were happy to be able to assist KFRS with their training.

"It provided us with a good opportunity to test out our emergency plans and ensure the continued safety of our staff and pupils."