A good friend, David Alston from Shortlands, is a man who knows his local history and often reminds me of an approaching anniversary.

He also tells me in the halcyon days of the Royal Bell Hotel, Bromley knew how to organise a party and throw it in style.

David writes: “January, just over 100 years ago, saw Bromley’s principal event of the winter season, the County Ball.

“Gathered at the renowned Royal Bell Hotel, which housed the one-time changing stables for the coaching activities, then part and parcel of the town’s working life, was anyone who was anyone.

“It certainly presented an opportunity to feast the eyes upon representatives, indeed some entire families, of local renown, the names of which have followed Bromley through the century.

“Guests began to arrive at 9pm, and it was not long before the dancing commenced.

“Within half-an-hour handsomely-gowned ladies from every family of note in the area could be seen whirling around the well-decorated dancefloor of the ballroom, one of several rooms set apart for the occasion.

“Right up until 3am, the music went on, supplied by Herr Wurm’s Orchestra. Conducted by Herr Stanislaus Wurm himself, it served to provide both colour and sound.”

David tells me families in attendance included Lord of the Manor, Mr Coles Child JP, and the list of those present reads like a directory of local dignitories, with Lord Avebury, Bonham-Carter, Lubbock, Norman, Dewey, Hely Hutchinson, Hambro and Lennard among them.