A VISIT to Chartwell, the Kent home of Sir Winston Churchill, marked the 25th anniversary of the twinning of Bromley and Rhineland town Neuwied.

The visit, during a weekend stay by the Neuwieders earlier this month, allowed them to enjoy the setting where Churchill lived and study details of his life.

Bromley Town Twinning Association chairman Peter Brown said: "It’s been a marvellous 25 years of friendship and we thought a visit to Chartwell would not only mark the reconciliation between our two nations but also the many personal friendships between our organisations.

"We all greatly enjoyed the weekend and hope for many more years of friendship."

Other events during the Neuwieders’ visit to Bromley included a joint performance between choirs from the two towns of Handel’s Messiah, held at Langley Park Centre for The Performing Arts, Beckenham, and an anniversary gala dinner at The Chateau restaurant in Croydon.

For further details of Bromley Town Twinning Association, visit bromleytowntwinning.co.uk.