A POPULAR and much loved Orpington man, who worked tirelessly for Farnborough Old Boys Guild Football Club for five decades, has died.

Vic Farrow, of Arundel Drive, joined the club in 1960 and played over 200 games for the First XI, before stints managing the First, Second and Third XI.

In 1979 he became club secretary, a post he held until March this year.

Tributes have poured out for Mr Farrow, who passed away aged 76 on April 6 after a short illness following a heart attack.

Ian Couchman, 54, President of Farnborough Old Boys Guild FC, knew Vic for 37 years.

He said: "Vic worked tirelessly to provide the local, and not so local, young people with a game of football.

"He took a personal interest in every player and knew their names and how long they had been with the club.

"It was a family that he headed and ran with a fatherly approach.

"Everyone who came in contact with him never forgot him."

Colin Brazier, 54, a Farnborough Old Boys Guild Committee member who knew Vic for 25 years, added: "No club can run itself; Vic just made it look that way.

"He was a true gentleman in all senses of the word and was a pleasure to know and work with."

Mr Farrow's funeral will be at 1pm on Wednesday May 1 in St Giles Church, Farnborough Village.