A ROAD in Beckenham is being used as a dumping ground for asbestos, putting people’s health at risk, says a man who lives there.

John Clasper, 65, of Downs Bridge Road, says he has found crushed up asbestos on the road a number of times.

The most recent occurrence was last Tuesday (April 9), and Mr Clasper claims the asbestos is yet to be removed by the council.

He told News Shopper: "It poses a really bad health hazard in the area, especially coming into summer as it gets very dry."

"At the moment, because of wet weather, it gets washed away but if it’s dry people, including young children, will breathe in the dust.

"The council say they will send men to scrape it up, but I haven't seen any evidence of this.

"It is highly dangerous - I have two great grandchildren aged four and six and I’m not sure if I can keep having them round because I am worried about the risk."

Mr Clasper added that school children, from Bishop Challoner School, also walk down the road.

He said: "I often find a strip of asbestos dust the full length of road - it is not very conspicuous.

"If you are not looking for it you’re not likely to notice it, but the road is really highly contaminated."

It is thought the asbestos is crushed up so that it blends in with the gravel on the road.

Executive Councillor for Environment Colin Smith said: "We have cleared fly-tipping in this road but the wet and wintry weather on the unmade road surface has seriously hindered the initial identification of location and the final clearance work, which will be undertaken shortly.

"If there is a health risk, our analysis has concluded that this is low but this does not mean we will not take action.

"We will not hesitate to prosecute an offender if the information becomes available."

Repeated exposure to asbestos can cause serious health problems in later life, potentially contributing to lung cancer and other debilitating lung diseases.