GREENWICH Council has launched a £6m jobs scheme - the first local authority in the country to do so.

The council says it is targeting those most affected by the government's benefit cuts with the programme, which launched today (April 15).

And the first 31 recruits start their full and part-time posts this month, working for teams covering parks, street-cleaning, recycling and town centre management.

Leader Councillor Chris Roberts said: "The development of this scheme demonstrates very clearly the majority of people are desperately keen to get back into work.

"Far from the media caricature, we are dealing with parents who love their children and want to get off benefits and into work.

"All they need is the opportunity to do so."

Cherie Simpson, a 28-year-old lone parent with five young children, was due to lose £210 per week but is now about to start what will be her first job.

She said: "This job means that I don’t have to worry about the benefit cap and reforms and means I can continue to feed my children and keep a roof over our heads.

"This job will get me out there and will be a helpful stepping stone towards a further job."

The family of Eddie McKay, a 39-year-old father of six, were set to lose £144 per week but he now has a full time role as a waste collector.

He said: "I fell into the unemployment trap in the last two years like lots of people do. You get a bit complacent, a bit nervous about getting into employment because you think you’re going to be worse off. You get into the habit of surviving the best you can."

Greenwich Council already runs its own job agency - GLLaB - which it claims has helped more than 12,000 people back into work.

Welfare changes are estimated to affect 4,000 social hosuing tenants in the borough, while 14,700 Council Tax Benefit claimants will be paying the charge for the first time.

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