RESIDENTS of a Bexleyheath care home had a gay old bird lime on Saturday at a cockney-themed charity day.

Adelaide Care Home in West Street welcomed the Pearly King of Peckham George Major for an afternoon of song, games and east end grub.

Around 50 residents and their families enjoyed singing Vera Lynn wartime classics, sipping sarsaparillas and taking part in a quiz to help raise money for the Pearly King’s hoped-for cockney museum.

Pie, mash and eels were served while George Major regaled party-goers with tales of growing up in Peckham, from where some residents also hale.

The Pearly Kings and their famous pearl-studded clothes have a long tradition of fund raising for London-based charities across the capital.

Organiser and Adelaide activities coordinator Tracy Mylan said: "Everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves and we raised £255 altogether.

"I think our residents went to bed very tired on the night.

"It was a nice opportunity for them and their families to get together and socialise with other people."