THAMESMEAD-born Stella English - former winner of The Apprentice - has lost her claim of constructive dismissal against millionaire businessman Lord Sugar.

Former Bexley College student Ms English, 34, sued the Labour peer after resigning from the £100,000-a-year job that was her prize for winning series six of the BBC1 show in 2010.

She complained she was treated like an "overpaid lackey".

The case was heard at East London Tribunal Service last month.

In a written judgment, the tribunal said: "There was no dismissal of the claimant - the claimant resigned.

"Therefore the complaint of unfair constructive dismissal contrary to section 95 Employment Rights Act 1996 fails and is dismissed."

Lord Sugar accused Ms English of attempting to "blackmail" him when he gave evidence to the tribunal, saying he had no case to answer and that Ms English was after his money.

Ms English was given a £100,000 role with Lord Sugar's IT division Viglen as her prize but resigned in May 2011 and complained that her role there was that of an "overpaid lackey'", something her former boss strongly denied.

She also claimed the job was "a sham" and a "PR construct".

The mother-of-two said she then felt pressurised into taking up a new position at Lord Sugar's internet set-top box company You View.

Lord Sugar said he was trying to help her out as she had complained of being "desperate for money''.

He told the tribunal he was being paid back for his kindness by "having to come here and humiliate myself in front of the national media", adding: "I'm here because I have principles and I'm not just going to pay off people.

"When her instructing solicitor heard my name, it must have been 'Ding, ding, ding - jackpot'."

In a statement, Lord Sugar said: "I have been cleared of a derisory attempt to smear my name and extract money from me.

"The allegations were without substance, and I believe this case was brought with one intention in mind - the presumption that I would not attend the tribunal, that I would not testify and that I would settle out of court, sending Ms English on her way with a tidy settlement.

"I'm afraid she underestimated me and her reputation is now in tatters.

"I have principles and I am not going to be forced to compromise them, no matter how much time and money they might cost me."