AN award-winning gymnastics coach from New Cross has been sentenced for sexually abusing seven girls over a 40-year period - and other victims are being urged to come forward.

Bob Bellew, aged 66, of Jerningham Road, had admitted seven counts of indecent assault and one of sexual touching.

Snaresbrook Crown Court heard how, in the early 1970s, he was a primary school teacher in New Cross and formed a gymnastics club. Five of the victims date from that period, when they were aged between six and 11.

Two other victims - teenagers at the time - were abused by Bellew whilst he was the chief coach of Tower Hamlets Schools Gymnastics and Dance Display Team from the mid-1990s to 2010.

He was sentenced at Snaresbrook Crown Court today (April 11) to a total of 15 months' imprisonment, suspended for two years.

Detective Constable Lewi Fenton of the Met's Child Abuse Investigation Team said: "We must pay tribute to Bellew's victims who had the courage to come forward.

"His abuse has affected them into their adults lives, and we hope today's sentencing will bring some form of closure for them. Bellew is now paying for his crimes which stretched across the decades.

"Bellew taught at schools across the capital, and it is possible that he abused other victims who have not yet come forward.

"We would urge anyone who was assaulted by him to contact their local police station in the first instance. The Met Police can be reached on 101."