SHOPS in Brockley, Blackheath and Deptford have all received business awards from Lewisham Council.

Gently Elephant, a children’s shop in Brockley, was awarded for its excellence as a new business.

And Handmade Foods - a cross between a deli and a cafe - in Blackheath and MuLondon, a natural organic skincare shop in Deptford, have each been given an environmental award.

Mayor of Lewisham Sir Steve Bullock visited Gently Elephant to present the award to Helen Sheward and Alex Shone, two mums who own it.

Ms Sheward said: "This award is recognition of the hard work we put into getting this business established.

"With a growing number of young families in Brockley, we saw a gap in the market and jumped at the opportunity to help in the regeneration of our local high street.

"Our customers put a lot of trust in us with their children, so we always try to go the extra mile and as a result we have seen our company go from strength to strength."

Find out more about the Lewisham Business Awards or nominate business visit