AS an historic Greenwich church approaches the jubilee of its restoration, the hunt is on for people who remember it before the blitz.

On March 19 1941 incendiary bombs lodged in the timbers of the roof of St Alfege’s church, causing a blazing mass of timbers and molten metal to collapse into the nave.

Many things were lost including an organ with pipework dating from Thomas Tallis’s own time as organist.

The building existed in its burnt out state until the War Damage Commission provided £8,000 for restoration work, £5,000 of which was allocated for the organ.

Restoration began in 1946 and was completed in time for the rededication of the church by the Bishop of Southwark in April 1953.

Administrator Jenny Bracey said: "We are using this jubilee period between the rededication of the church and the original dedication festival to uncover as many memories and anecdotes as we can.

"If you have any stories or family memorabilia connected with the church from this critical time in its history we would love to hear from you."

Email, call  020 8853 0687 or write to St Alfege Church, Greenwich Church Street, London SE10 9BJ.