LEWISHAM's mayor will run for a fourth term at next year's election, it has been announced.

Sir Steve Bullock has been confirmed as Labour's candidate following a ballot of party members.

The mayor, who has spent 11 years in the post, quashed speculation last year that he would stand aside, saying his current job meant he could "make a difference for the better in people's lives".

He said after the vote: "If re-elected next year I will continue to protect our front line services from the worst of this government’s cuts, continue standing up for those who are being hardest hit and will prioritise tackling London’s growing housing crisis.

"I’d like to thank Labour Party members and affiliates for their continued support and look forward to campaigning alongside them in the lead up to next year’s election."

One mayor challenger next year is likely to be Councillor Duwayne Brooks from the Lib Dems.