A BROMLEY teenager chased a burglar from his house with a golf club last week, after his front door was smashed in.

17-year-old George Munns, who lives with his parents in Southborough Lane, was enjoying a lie-in on Wednesday morning when he suddenly heard a loud bang.

He said: "It was around 11.30 and I was asleep, having a lie-in, when suddenly I woke up to this massive banging sound.

"It was a horrible noise, I was really scared.

"I thought maybe it was the door of mum and dad's cupboard slamming shut, so I got up and went to check the wardrobe.

"Whoever it was must have heard me and ran out of the house.

"I went downstairs and the front door was all smashed in, so I picked up a golf club and went outside."

It was at this point that a curious incident occurred.

The trainee floor layer told New Shopper: "I went out of the house and something really strange happened.

"A car stopped right in front of me and the guy inside just stared at me.

"I shouted at him: 'It was you that broke in, wasn't it?' and he drove off.

"Around an hour later, after the police had gone, me and my parents were looking out the window and the same car came back.

"I think it was meant to come and pick up the guy in the house, to make a quick getaway."

The car was a brown Ford Focus.

Police say they are investigating the incident, the second of its kind to occur in the same road within a week.

On March 27, a brick was thrown through the window of a different house in Southborough Lane, before the suspect jumped on a moped and drove away.

The police have classed the former incident as burglary, and the latter as attempted burglary.

They have asked members of the public to always report any suspicious behaviour to police.