A PLATOON of pensioners have mobilised and will march tomorrow with zimmer frames, walking sticks and shopping trolleys to show support for Lewisham Hospital.

Older residents are being called to join the “trolley crocodile” – organised by Lewisham Pensioners’ Forum - which will form at The Saville Centre at 10.30am.

There will be a photo shoot followed by the short walk to the hospital – which is threatened with cuts - where campaigners will hand in a poster pledging support from pensioners.

Lewisham Pensioners’ Forum coordinator Kerry Smith said: “This is for people who want to have their voice heard about saving their hospital, who perhaps couldn’t take part in the big march.

“The message is: choose Lewisham – support your hospital.”

People are encouraged to bring their shopping trolleys, wheelchairs, or walking frames. For those without walking aids, there are placards and lightweight sandwich boards to wear.

The march will be followed by a social gathering at Saville Centre, 436 Lewisham High Street, with refreshments. For more information call 020 8690 7869.