AN ANGRY resident has spoken out against the company that runs the site of the longest fire in Bromley's history.

Patricia Martin, of Lullingstone Crescent, claims that ever since the Sevenoaks Way recycling plant site was taken over by Waste4Fuel, the area's residents have been subject to all sorts of problems.

She says that during last month's fire, stinking black smoke seeped into her property, while her water supply was cut off.

The 62-year-old former secretary said: "During the fire there was this black, foul smelling smoke coming into our properties.

"We had to block up all our air vents to stop it getting in.

"We also had no water supply for the whole week because all the water was being used for the fire hoses - we couldn't even get a drip out of our taps.

"It is the second time in two years this has happened.

"It is affecting the health and the lifestyle of everybody here; it is affecting our way of life."

But Bryan Hughes, managing director of Waste4Fuel, said there was no way smoke from the fire could have caused problems for local residents.

He said: "That simply isn't true.

"It cannot be true because no one on the site - firefighters, environmental agency officers or staff - had to wear anything close to breathing apparatus."

He added the water issue was not one for which Waste4Fuel was responsible.

The fire, which was caused by rubbish self-combusting, broke out at the recycling plant on March 18, with firefighters leaving the site nine days later.

Ms Martin added that piles of rubbish on the site have also become increasingly large and unsightly, which Mr Hughes agreed with.

She said: "The stack on the site is the size of a mountain.

"It looks awful - surely there should be a limit on how large it is?"

Mr Hughes said: "When we inherited the site in late 2011 it was a mess and we have spent £150,000 trying to reorganise it.

"We have had to collect up material, move the rubbish about.

"I agree that it does look unsightly, but we hope to have this sorted in the next two months."

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