Aaron Dayle, 20, Woolwich

Why this design?

Because it’s extremely cool and out of the ordinary!

The Cheshire Cat has such a cheeky grin which just makes me laugh.

How much did it cost?


Did it hurt?

Yes, it felt like someone scraping a rusty nail on sunburn - not the nicest feeling in the world, but worth it.

What did your friends say?

They say it’s amazing and the colours are deadly.

Some of my mates came with me to have it done so they got to see it come to life.

Have you got any more?

I have three others on my arm, a Facebook ‘like’ symbol on my thumb and a stamp which says ‘100% Beef’ on my bum.

*Aaron’s tattoo was done by Brigi Fuzes at Demon Inkorporation in Bellegrove Road, Welling