The days are getting longer and brighter. So what better time to spring clean your fitness routine - on the cheap? Reporter HELOISE WOOD investigates.

WINTER has been a harsh mistress and it is tempting to hibernate to escape the gloomy skies.

However, as a nation we need to get fit and the statistics speak for themselves: Department of Health research reveals almost two thirds of adults are overweight (61 per cent).

Exercise been proven to lift your mood, ensure you drop the pounds and could even help you make new friends. So it is time to buckle down and tone up.  


The NHS recommends 150 minutes of weekly physical activity. Do you manage that?

Health Mentor Richard Webb from Nuffield Health, in Hayes Lane, Bromley, said: "Planning and setting goals is important.

"A simple way to ensure you stick to any fitness regime is to set smart goals.

"They should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-sensitive.

"If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it." 

As well as honing those abs, it also pays to look at overall wellbeing to raise energy levels.

Nathalie Baron, of therapy centre Garden of Pomegranates, in Claremont Road, Bickley, suggests looking at ancient practice Ayurveda for tips on boosting mood and vitality.

Ms Baron became interested in natural medicine after being raised by her grandmother who dispenses herb teas and medicated oils in a small French village.

She said: "Lemon is cleansing and therefore assists the detoxifying process whereas ginger stimulates the digestive fire which helps get your body ready for the first meal of the day. 

"If it’s cold in the morning start the day with porridge made with milk and a touch of cinnamon, which is a warming spice.

"Spinach, broccoli and watercress are all in season and this is the perfect time of the year to make healthy stews.

"When it's cold throughout the day drink plenty of warm water- herbal teas are ideal- and avoid cold and icy drinks that will disrupt your digestion and make you feel even colder."


There are many free online resources to keep you inspired including the NHS Change for Life website.

You can register to receive free tips by email and even get a free meal planner app to help you cook low-fat meals. 

NHS Choices also has a range of free exercise podcasts which can be downloaded.

If you want to make the most of the outside, why not try a host of free running and walking clubs which could also boost wellbeing by being sociable? 

The Sweat Shop has a free running club all over London and the south east and even offers free kit if you keep attending the sessions.

Another company which offers fitness incentives for cash-strapped gym bunnies is sports clothing shop Sweaty Betty. The branches offer free classes as long as you sign up as a free member in store.

The store in the Bluewater shopping centre, Greenhithe, provides free ballet conditioning classes and bootcamp club activities.

Organisation Walking for Health is also a great way of finding health walks close to where you are or you could try the various outdoor gyms in parks such as Farnborough Recreation Ground and Betts Park in Anerley Road, Penge.

Nuffield Health holds a number of experts’ events which are open to the public on different themes each month (recent themes have focused on sleep and how to boost your mood).

MyFitnessPal is recommended by many experts as it helps you track calories and exercise activity (many research studies have shown how writing down what you eat encourages you to consume fewer calories.)

To help you become more mindful of what your daily life, try learning how to meditate. Headspace has a free app which includes a 10 day free trial for daily meditations.

What are your tips for getting healthy on the cheap?