OPERA aficionados can look forward to a summer performance of Benjamin Britten's A Midsummer Night's Dream as part of Goldsmiths' six-week summer music festival, PureGold.

The team behind the production say it is "completely faithful to the spirit of the original and must be counted as one of the most successful operatic adaptations of a Shakespeare play."

Produced and directed by renowned Scottish soprano Nan Christie and conducted by Tim Hooper, the performance will be staged with a full orchestra, handmade costumes, and a cast of current and past students from Goldsmiths' music department.

The show, part of the university's OperaGold project, which offers an introduction to the world of opera, will run June 6 and 7.

Tickets are available on the door but to reserve a seat, contact Imogen Burman on 020 7919 7645 or i.burman@gold.ac.uk