Letter to the editor: Some of us, owner-occupiers and tenants alike, are rather cheesed off with builders and managing agents for the way they are riding roughshod over residents’ interests at this block – Grove Court in Penge.

Applicants got permission to build some flats on top. They did not get permission to do just as they liked, but this is what is happening.

Scaffolding was erected all around us in January is still there, though hardly a stroke of building work has been done.

We cannot see out properly, cannot clean our windows, and there is a huge builders' hut and toilet on our front lawn.

It is an ugly mess and bad news for anyone here thinking about selling their flat.

I think they should tell us exactly when building is to commence – and when it is likely to be finished – or take the scaffolding down.

And, by the way, what can be done about the Second World War air raid shelter on our back green?

It has no listed status as far as I am aware and should be got rid of. Sixty years is long enough.

ALEX MASSON, Oakfield Road, Penge