Letter to the editor: Having just moved to Blackfen, I parked in what I thought was a loading bay at 1.15pm outside the shops.

I looked at the sign which says no parking between 8am and 10am.

Thinking I was OK, I went to a cash machine to take some money out and turned around to find a parking warden taking a photo.

I got in the car and drove off, thinking I had a right to stop for less than three minutes.

Three days later a ticket lands on the doorstep for £110. Absolutely disgusting.

I’ve been off work for 18 weeks with a back injury, not claiming a penny from the govenment.

Bexley Council I feel is only out to get as much income as it can from the motorist.

If you go to Eltham High Street, parking is free for one hour.

Surely we in Bexley can stop for five minutes to get money from a cash machine?

I also would like to know the number of traffic wardens flying around on motorbikes.

Are they insured for business use?

I bet most are not, so are these tickets legal?

Gary Edwards, Blackfen Road, Sidcup