Letter to the editor: I am the mother of a 10-year-old daughter who attends Crofton Junior School in Orpington.

Crofton is taking its Year 6 pupils to Rue, France, in September for an adventure holiday. How wonderful, I thought, as my daughter has been working extremely hard towards sitting the selective test for entrance to Newstead Wood School For Girls.

This trip would be a fantastic way of saying well done for all your hard work.

Unfortunately, it falls in the same week as the test. After consulting both headteachers, board of governors and the Newstead admissions team, I have been told Crofton and Newstead cannot change their dates.

You are probably thinking “well, don’t send her on the trip”. How unfair is that?

I now have one extremely upset 10-year-old who thinks she might as well stop trying hard.

Is my child being discriminated against for wanting as many opportunities life can offer? Is it too much to ask the schools to liaise and find an alternative date?

You would hope with the present employment situation, teachers would be striving to ensure children who work hard for their futures get the best opportunities available.

MRS CARLA BEETON, address supplied