Letter to the editor: Bill Leman has read many stories in the papers convincing him all wardens are “morons” (Those Involved In Parking Tickets Should Get Their Act Together, News Shopper, March 20).

I read most of these stories in The Beano years ago.

Hasn’t he got a pinch of salt handy when he reads the papers?

Only a very small percentage of tickets issued are issued incorrectly and without common sense.

They are corrected by the appeals process and wardens are educated.

Perhaps if he read the excuses a small number of offenders come out with, he would also conclude, wrongly, every motorist is a bare-faced liar.

I don’t suppose he’ll be writing any time soon on that. I am all in favour of fair criticism, but flinging mud at all for the behaviour of one or two is pretty poor.

I don’t suppose Mr Leman has had a correctly-issued ticket lately?

MICHAEL TARRANT, Bellegrove Road, Welling