PARKING fines in Sidcup and Welling controlled parking zones (CZPs) will increase by £20 later this year.

Motorists committing traffic offences will soon pay £80 rather than £60 and drivers committing a more serious offence, such as parking in a loading bay, will pay £130 rather than £110.

The increases come as CPZs – areas with parking controls in every street - in both town centres are switched from Band B to Band A.

The request to change the banding was made by Bexley Council to improve safety and parking compliance and increase traffic flow.

A Bexley Council spokesman said: “CPZs exist in response to requests from residents in order to prevent commuters from out of Bexley or town centre shoppers parking in residential roads all day.

“Residents in a CPZ expect them to be enforced properly, to ensure compliance with the restrictions they have requested.

“The increase was among the budget proposals on which the council consulted people in late 2010 and early 2011.”

Among roads to be covered by Band A is Bellegrove Road in Welling, where more than 8,000 parking tickets were issued between 2009 and 2011.