A SUPERMARKET is investigating the claims of a mother of two who says she found a worm in her son’s milk.

Lara Amusan says she was horrified to find the small worm in a four pint carton of milk which she bought from the Co-Operative store in Kimmeridge Road, Mottingham.

She says she only found it after her 15-month-old son, Rerelouwa, had drank some of the milk.

The Co-Op say they have not received any other complaints about the same batch of milk.

Mrs Amusan, of Upper Abbey Road, Belvedere, said: “He had some of the milk. When I was going to put him to bed I went to give him some more.

“I saw some black particles floating in it so I poured it out and saw a worm at the bottom.”

The 42-year-old added: “I was mortified. I didn’t know what to do because he had drank most of the milk.”

Mrs Amusan contacted NHS Direct for advice and was told her son would not need medical treatment.

The NVQ assessor said: “The next day he was OK but he went to the toilet more times than usual.”

She added: “It disgusted me the shop said we could return it and get another one.”

Rerelouwa’s father Antony said: “We want to make sure this does not happen again. My son could have been poisoned.

“We are not in a Third World country. We expect quality when we buy something.”

The 45-year-old, who is currently out of work, added: “When you go into a shop and buy something sealed you don’t expect this to happen”

The couple, who also have a two-year-old daughter, have sent the dead worm to the Co-operative’s headquarters so the incident can be investigated.

A spokeswoman for The Co-operative said: “We have arranged for the customer to return the item to us for investigation with the supplier. We have had no other complaints about contamination of milk at this store or any other.”