INCREASING numbers of residents in Bexley are being caught by unscrupulous traders.

Now Bexley Council’s trading standards team has issued a warning and given advice to residents.

Bexley already runs a What Tradesman scheme — a list of tradesmen who have met trading standards’ terms and conditions and provided positive feedback from satisfied customers.

Cabinet member for community affairs Councillor Katie Perrior said: “Rogue traders are notoriously unscrupulous.

“While we don’t want to cause unnecessary worry, we want our residents to make sure they are taking on honest tradesmen to carry out work on their homes.”

She added: “I would urge residents to call the trading standards team if they are suspicious of anyone offering to carry out work, especially if they call uninvited.”

People are also being advised anyone agreeing a contract with a builder at home still has seven days to cancel it.

Notice of the right to cancel should be given by the builder at the time the contract is made. If it is not, the contract is unenforceable.

For more advice on contracts and tradesmen, visit the website or call trading standards on 020 8294 6726.