A supermarket manager was attacked with a joint of meat by a shoplifter who trashed the shop. 

Painter and decorator Jonathan Frawley was spotted trying to leave Asda on Deptford High Street with packets of meat he hadn’t paid for on February 19. 

When a store manager challenged him the 41-year-old used a joint of meat to smack him in the face. 

He then smashed plant pots, swept products to the floor and pushed over a set of shelves. 

Frawley, of Lamerton Street in Deptford, appeared at Woolwich Crown Court on Wednesday (July 31) after he pleaded guilty to seven offences. 

The would-be shoplifter also assaulted another supermarket worker before his arrest then continued to be problematic when police arrived, prosecutor Ashleigh Heyworth said. 

He spat on the police custody suite and threw a pair of shoes at a police officer. 

Ms Heyworth said the shop manager described himself as “very scared and shaking” and fears that Frawley will come back and target him. 

Frawley pleaded guilty to three counts of criminal damage, two counts of assault by beating, attempted theft and assaulting an emergency worker. 

Woolwich Crown Court heard that Frawley has ten previous convictions. 

Defence barrister Tom Gregson said: “Mr Frawley is immensely remorseful. He has struggled with his relationship with alcohol all his life and he said the drink took over in these circumstances. He recognises that he has let himself down.” 


Mr Gregson urged Recorder Samantha Broadfoot KC not to send his client to prison as he has made progress with his alcohol abuse and prison would impede his progress. 

Recorder Broadfoot decided to give Frawley an 18-month community order including rehabilitation requirements and an alcohol abstinence monitoring programme which includes regular testing to prove he is not drinking. 

She also banned him from Asda in Deptford for 18 months. 

“This was fairly disgraceful behaviour. I hope you find a way to control your behaviour,” Recorder Broadfoot said.