Children across south east London have taken on a mini marathon for a  “much loved” mum who died after her battle with cervical cancer.

Vicki, a lead physiotherapist for the NHS, was diagnosed with cervical cancer in spring 2022 after a couple of years of prolonged pain which coincided with the Covid-19 pandemic.

After undergoing various treatments, Vicki was then given the “all clear”, but after having a surveillance scan in September 2023, she was told the cancer had come back, but unfortunately it had also spread.

Vicki’s friend, Samantha Mitchell, told the News Shopper: “The plan was to start chemo treatments and other immunotherapies, but from the third week after her diagnosis, everything went against her.

“Treatments stopped and started due to complications and infections and eventually Vicki needed surgery to get fit to start treatment again.

"The family had a lovely Christmas at home, but in the new year Vicki became poorly again”

“She was a fighter – brave, strong and our hero – and had support from everyone around her.”

Vicki lost her battle with cancer on Saturday, April 27, 2024.

Samantha said that once Vicki came to terms with the fact her prognosis was going to come a lot sooner, she started to get things in order, and was fortunate enough to be able to stay somewhere closer to home and more comfortable – the Greenwich and Bexley Community Hospice.

The hospice facilitated many “amazing things” for Vicki, including movie nights, days out - including trips to London with her husband, children, mum and friends and more importantly spending more valuable time at home.

Between Vicki, Hook Lane primary school, and the school mums, they wanted to raise some money for the hospice to show their appreciation and so decided to support the mini marathon arranged by the hospice, on Sunday, May 12, 2024.

In total, Hook Lane runners fundraising has raised around £42,000 for the hospice – Vicki’s two children and her husband ran on the day and their children’s page raised more than £15,000, with other class mates and parents running simultaneous fundraisers and raffles, all organised by Vicki and other school mums.

Another close friend of Vicki, Eilis Cox, told the News Shopper: “Getting Vicki into the hospice was a massive achievement, and they were brilliant about accommodating her.

“Vicki had nothing but praise for the Greenwich and Bexley hospice – we could Yougo anytime, and they really care about the people who are in there.

“This fundraiser was started at the beginning of March, and her seeing the support was a real focus for her.

“The kids were amazing on Sunday, - it was a lovely turn out and parents got involved too.”

Samantha said Vicki was “loved by so many”, she had a big circle of friends and had a love for all things rugby. Vicki also used to be the physio for her husbands rugby club, Charlton Park.

“She was brave beyond belief, even at the times when she had big decisions to make. We are all grateful for the care and support the hospice provided” Samantha said.

Eilis added: “Her drive here was to spend more time with her family.

“Organising stuff like this was just absolutely her.”

You can donate to the fundraiser here