Two motorists have been issued with fines following Blue Badge misuse in Bexley, as Bexley Council warn of “dire consequences.”

Two people were found guilty of Blue Badge misuse at the Magistrates Court in November 2023.

Albert Coveney of Wilmington Court Road, Dartford, was found guilty of displaying a badge that had been cancelled as lost.

Coveney was fined £800 and ordered to pay costs of £400, investigation costs of £558.40 and a surcharge of £320, totalling £2,078.40.

Alexa Joyeux of Federation Road, Greenwich, was found guilty of two charges of failing to provide information on the identity of the driver, after a suspected Blue Badge misuse incident.

The case involved the display of a badge that had been cancelled after the holder had passed away.

Joyeux was fined £660 and ordered to pay costs of £1,000, investigation costs of £1,460 and a surcharge of £264, totalling £3,384.

In total, 26 prosecutions were made for Blue Badge misuse-related offences in Bexley last year.

Under the Blue Badge scheme, only individuals with physical or non-physical disabilities that affect their mobility are eligible for a Blue Badge.

Bexley Council has advised anyone who suspects Blue Badge misuse to contact them via their website.

Councillor Richard Dimet said that Blue Badge misuse in Bexley would “not be tolerated” and that Bexley Council would continue to work to “protect the integrity” of the Blue Badge scheme.

Councillor Richard Diment, Bexley's Cabinet Member for Places, said:

“Blue Badge scheme abuse will not be tolerated in our borough as these latest prosecutions prove.

“We will continue with our measures to protect the integrity of the scheme and ensure that adequate parking spaces are available for our disabled residents and visitors, who need to park close to their destination.

“If you are not entitled to Blue Badge scheme benefits, we strongly urge you to think very carefully before displaying a badge, as you will face the same dire consequences if you get caught.”