MURDERED teenager Faridon Alizada made videos of himself happy slapping people and fighting before posting them on the internet.

The 18-year-old, who was also known by the nickname Fighterrr, was a member of a gang of teenagers who call themselves IVS and posted videos of their exploits on YouTube.

However, police say they do not think his murder was gang-related.

The video clips on YouTube featuring the murdered youth are called Fighterrr and are numbered from one to 15.

Most of the clips feature him talking to camera, posturing and bragging to camera in the style of a gangster rapper.

In some clips he smokes and attempts to break wooden planks and bricks with his hands.

One clip - Fighterrr6 - shows him fighting another youth in a piece of farce that ends with him trying to pull down the boy's tracksuit trousers.

Fighterrr8 includes a voiceover saying "happy slap TV", and shows Mr Alizada running up to a boy playing football in the park and hitting him in the head.

In a clip that features the group of youths calling themselves IVS riding on the top of a bus, Mr Alizada - aka Fighterrr - is mentioned by name and makes a gun gesture at the camera with his hand.

Other clips of the IVS gang show them involved in fights with other groups of youths.

The initals IVS apparently stand for Invincible Soldiers.

One of the brawls takes place at a bus stop in which most of the people involved are wearing school uniform and another happens in a park.

Mr Alizada, who came to the area from Afghanistan, was a pupil at Abbey Wood School, Eynsham Drive, Abbey Wood, until July 2006.

Headteacher Susan Harry said: "We are distressed to learn the sad news about Faridon, an ex-pupil, and regret that his life has been so tragically cut short.

"Our deepest sympathy and thoughts are with his family at this time."