OCEAN adventurers are wanted for the world’s first LEGO® submarine ride at LEGOLAND Windsor.

Join forces with LEGO characters Captain Ace Speedman and Professor Samantha Rhodes on their aquatic mission to the bottom of the sea in search of the ancient ruins of Atlantis.

Once on board the yellow LEGO–themed submarines, explorers will be given Atlantis Sea Voyage mission information as they prepare for a close encounter with amazing sea creatures.

Begin your journey of discovery today at LEGOLAND.co.uk

News Shopper: Win family tickets to LEGOLAND Windsor

News Shopper is giving away four sets of four tickets to LEGOLAND, valid until November 6.

To enter, answer the following question: LEGOLAND Windsor’s submarine ride goes in search of which lost city?

A) Atlantis, B) Carthage, C) Babylon

Text your answer to 80360, starting with ATLANTIS, leave a space and then put your answer, name, number, email and address.

Or send your entry with your name, address and contact phone number on a postcard or a stuck-down envelope to: LEGOLAND Competition, News Shopper, Mega House, Crest View Drive, Petts Wood, BR5 1BT.

Closing date: August 12.

Terms & conditions: Texts cost 50p plus your normal operator text charge. Lines close August 11 at 11.59pm. Full terms at newsquest.co.uk/terms